DA Hoovler’s Office Mission Statement
We, as employees of the Orange County District Attorney’s Office, are dedicated to protecting the innocent through the pursuit of truth, justice, and the prevention of crime. We will vigorously and professionally prosecute those who violate the law, and work cooperatively with law enforcement and community leaders to improve Orange County.

We treat each other and all members of the public with dignity and respect.
We are people of integrity who hold ourselves to the highest standards of personal and professional conduct. We are committed to fair and ethical prosecutions.
We hold ourselves and each other accountable for doing what is right. We accept a shared responsibility for ensuring sound fiscal management, operational efficiency, and continuous improvement.
Support for Victims
We show compassion and understanding to crime victims and their families.
Community Partnership
We advocate and support the building of strong and viable partnerships with law enforcement, all members of the criminal justice system, and the communities we serve for the purpose of achieving the highest level of public safety for our citizens.
We are committed to teamwork and standards of excellence in achieving our mission.
We are committed to the protection of all persons, and to the creation of an inclusive work force and environment, and will not exclude, deny services to, or discriminate against any person on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability.
We are open and forthright in our communications with each other and all those with whom we come in contact.