David M. Hoovler
David M. Hoovler is an experienced attorney with a long history of dedication to both law enforcement and his community.
David M. Hoovler, the elected District Attorney of Orange County, oversees an office staff consisting of 49 assistant district attorneys, 13 investigators, and 22 support personnel. The Orange County District Attorney’s Office is responsible for prosecuting over 22,000 criminal cases each year.
District Attorney Hoovler is a former police detective in Prince George’s County, Maryland, and a former Department of Justice trial attorney within the criminal division, which specialized in electronic surveillance-related issues, wiretapping, and complex narcotics conspiracy cases.
District Attorney Hoovler has also worked as an assistant district attorney in both the Bronx and Orange counties. While in the Orange County District Attorney’s Office as an assistant district attorney, he handled complex and high-profile cases.
District Attorney Hoovler’s efforts focus on community prosecution, a crime prevention tactic that teams prosecutors with community leaders and residents to identify and prevent potential crime problems. It’s a tactic recommended by the National District Attorneys Association specifically for dealing with gangs, as information flows in a circle between the community, police, and prosecutor.