Get Involved
Thank you for your interest in supporting David M. Hoovler’s re-election campaign for Orange County District Attorney. He will need your support through the coming months.
All volunteers will be welcome, as this is truly a community effort. If you’d like to volunteer to help the campaign, please email us at [email protected] or use the form on our contact page to offer your support, or if you have any questions.
Please include any thoughts you may have about how you’d like to invest your time, whether it’s to distribute lawn signs or host a fundraising event.
Lawn Signs
You can also help to re-elect David M. Hoovler as the Orange County District Attorney by putting a lawn sign in your yard. Sharing your support throughout your neighborhood is an incredible way to spread the word about David M. Hoovler. We ask that you email [email protected] or use the form on our contact page to request a lawn sign, or if you have any questions.
Finally, you can support the campaign by making a donation using the button below. Thank you again for supporting David M. Hoovler as your Orange County District Attorney.