DA Hoovler with more Veterans Outreach

District Attorney David M. Hoovler and County Clerk Kelly Eskew with VA Hudson Valley; Mobile DMV Unit will Distribute Veteran Crisis Line Resources throughout Orange County

District Attorney Hoovler joined Hudson Valley VAHealthcare System to create a Coalition to Prevent Veterans from Committing Suicide in November 2021

Orange County District Attorney David M. Hoovler, and Orange County Clerk Kelly Eskew along with Carl LoFaro from the Hudson Valley VA Healthcare System announced starting todaythat the Orange County Veteran Suicide Prevention Coalition will have the Mobile DMV Unit hand out Veteran Crisis Fliers to the public during stops all over Orange County to help prevent veteran suicide. September is National Suicide Prevention Month which is a perfect time to start this new outreach to our veterans and people in their lives. The coalition has already placed over 43,000 suicide prevention materials in over 1,128 businesses and organizations located in and near Orange County, New York. The coalition hopes to reach even more people with their message by teaming up with the Mobile DMV Unit while they conduct Department of Motor Vehicle transactions with the public all over Orange County.

The Orange County Veteran Suicide Prevention Coalition is trying to reach as many veterans and their families as possible with their suicide prevention message. Since the Mobile DMV Unit helps hundreds of people, many of whom are veterans, thisis a great opportunity to reach veterans who might not have seen the materials we have placed out in public already.

“I am proud of the work that the Orange County Veteran Suicide Prevention Coalition has done for Orange County veterans and their families and of the strong support that has been provided to the coalition by the citizens and businesses of Orange Countyincluding the Orange County Clerk’s Office which has already given out thousands of Veteran Crisis Materials to veterans and their families in their Goshen Motor Vehicle Office .” said District Attorney David M. Hoovler. Please ask for a Veteran Crisis Line Flier when using the Mobile DMV Unit.  This resource could save the life of someone you know.  â€śSupporting the veterans of Orange County has always been a priority for me” said Orange County Clerk Kelly Eskew, â€śUsing my Mobile DMV Unit to assist veterans is a great way to partner with other County departments to serve our residents.”

You can also contact Mr. Carl LoFaro of the Hudson Valley VA Healthcare System at [email protected] to get crisis materials sent to you or to set up a live meeting with your organization on this serious subject. Please contact Mr. Lenox Okall of the Hudson Valley VA Healthcare System at [email protected]  if you need information on VA benefits. Please contact Joel Murns at [email protected] if you would like information about the Middletown Vet Center. Please contact the Orange County Clerk’s Office if you have any questions about the Mobile DMV Unit at [email protected]

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