District Attorney Hoovler to Sponsor Leadership Training for Local Police

District Attorney’s Office to Sponsor Leadership Training for

Police Personnel 

Training Will be Provided Through the Police Chiefs Association of Orange County

Orange County District Attorney David M. Hoovler announced on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, that the Orange County District Attorney’s Office will be sponsoring a series of leadership training sessions for police personnel in October.  The training sessions are part of ongoing efforts to assist and work with local municipal police departments to ensure that the police officers deployed in Orange County are well trained and prepared to perform their duties safely and fairly.  The sponsorship comes after other recent cooperative partnerships with local law enforcement, including the District Attorney’s Office providing $100,000 to be used towards building improvements and technology at the Orange County Police Academy, as well as co-sponsoring the first post-Covid training aimed at enhancing DWI enforcement and prosecution.

“We are at the dawn of a new generation of law enforcement, and tomorrow’s leaders will be forged from the front-lineofficers who stand between crime and our communities,” said District Attorney Hoovler. “In order to best prepare law enforcement for the challenges that are ahead, I am thrilled to sponsor this training, which is only one part of the continuing collaboration between the District Attorney’s Office and our police partners.  We must ensure the preparedness of our police officers, which represents an investment in our entire community.”

“The Police Chiefs’ Association of Orange County is excited to start our leadership training series for first-line supervisors and administrative staff, and we appreciate the collaborative partnership with the District Attorney,” said Orange County Police Chiefs’ Association President and Town of Crawford Police Chief Dominick Blasko.

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