DA Hoovler Joins Local Fraternal Order of Police Lodge President in Recognizing Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

Annual Nationwide Campaign to Support Police Officers

Orange County District Attorney David M. Hoovler and Mike McGinn, President of the Jason Conklin Memorial Lodge #957 of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), issued a statement recognizing Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (LEAD). LEAD will occur on Wednesday, January 9, 2018. At 10:00 a.m. that day, the District Attorney will hold a press conference to commemorate LEAD, in his office in the County Government Center.

LEAD is an annual nationwide day of support for police officers, established by the organization Concerns of Police Survivors (COPS). Orange County’s citizens are encouraged to show their support for our police officers.

“Police officers risk their lives and their safety every day to protect us,” said District Attorney Hoovler, “and, unfortunately, too often officers are injured or killed in furtherance of their duty. Sadly, some segments of society ignore police officers’ good work, and instead focus on unfairly judging those rare cases where on-duty police officers justifiably injure or kill citizens who are threatening the officers or others. Our police officers deserve better. After all, we ask them to put themselves in harm’s way, for our benefit. They deserve to have us to judge them fairly in those life-threatening situations, just as we would want to be judged in similar circumstances. They deserve our support every day, not just on Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. I urge all of Orange County’s citizens to do something on January 9 to show their support for our men and women who daily wear police uniforms.”

“We are a country founded on the rule of law,” said Mr. McGinn, “to maintain order and to protect the members of our communities from wanton violence and crime. The enforcement of the law falls on the shoulders of our men and women in law enforcement who do a difficult and demanding job every day to keep our villages, towns, cities, and county safe. Unfortunately, some of our elected officials have shirked their responsibility to impartially support our police, so I humbly ask that ordinary citizens take the time to express their gratitude to all police officers on Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. District Attorney Hoovler knows the perils facing our police officers, and the FOP deeply appreciates his unwavering support.”

The LEAD organizers at COPS have suggested several ways that citizens may show their support for police officers:

•​Change their profile pictures on social media to the .jpg image provided at www.facebook.com/nationalcops.
• ​Wear blue clothing in support of law enforcement.
• ​Send a card of support to their local police departments or state police agencies.
• ​Share a story on social media about a positive law enforcement experience.
• ​Ask children in their communities to write letters in support of law enforcement.
• ​Participate in Project Blue Light, by proudly displaying a blue light in support of law enforcement.
• ​Organize an event or a rally in support of their law enforcement officers.
• ​Advertise their support through local media outlets or billboards.
• ​Post a public service announcement supplied by COPS to their organization’s webpage or social media pages.
• ​Most importantly, if they see a police officer, thank a police officer.

For more information about Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, please visit the COPS website at https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-law-enforcement-appreciation-day-january-9/

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